Thursday, January 22, 2009

Make America, America Again.

The best quote since Barack Obama was elected was on The Daily Show: "Obama got elected, Racism is over." Obviously this couldn't be farther from the truth. Its an unfortunate world we live in where we can still discriminate against someone's race, religion, or place of birth. Sure there are horrible white people, horrible black people, and so on and so forth. But amazingly there are also people of each color that are extraordinary.
The election coverage was great, and the turn out was outstanding. Sure we spent $120 million dollars on it. We could have put that towards cancer, homelessness, AIDs, or something else. We could have used the almost $1 Billion dollars raised campaigning for President on the same stuff. But that's silly. That's not just for this election and inauguration, we could use every single person's campaign or inauguration money on something worth while.
Hopefully Obama can fulfill his promise. We must make America respectable in the eyes of the world again. The stock market is rising since he has been in office (2 days) and there is a newfound hope that is breezing through America.
So I must say, "President Obama please do not sell yourself to the major corporations of America, do not forget those little people around you. It is in your hands now to make America, America again. Fix us and you will be not only be celebrated throughout history for being African-American, you will be celebrated for being an American that was proud to be an American."
I am proud to be an American. I am glad I live in a nation free of tyranny and oppression. My President will fix America. My President is Barack Obama.


Tabitha said...

Seriously I love you!

caleb said...

How's that working out? Race is more of an issue now than before he was elected. I think he was chosen to keep the people divided along racial and political lines.