Monday, June 25, 2007

Case Of The Mondays

Normally I don't really about Mondays. Today was an exception. I woke up feeling like crap, had a full day at work with a migraine and nearly threw up. To add to that it felt like I was walking through a wall of water because of this friggin humidity. But as I always try to do I found a positive early in the morning. That is positive is the fact that I am not in prison right now getting cornholed by some giant dude. Positive right? Anyways other than my work part of the day I have had a great day. My wife is happy, my son is happy, and my sister-in-law Carrie (single and looking) bought us dinner. Tomorrow will hopefully be better... at work at least. But at least I'm still good looking.... right? No. Dang it.

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