Monday, June 25, 2007

Case Of The Mondays

Normally I don't really about Mondays. Today was an exception. I woke up feeling like crap, had a full day at work with a migraine and nearly threw up. To add to that it felt like I was walking through a wall of water because of this friggin humidity. But as I always try to do I found a positive early in the morning. That is positive is the fact that I am not in prison right now getting cornholed by some giant dude. Positive right? Anyways other than my work part of the day I have had a great day. My wife is happy, my son is happy, and my sister-in-law Carrie (single and looking) bought us dinner. Tomorrow will hopefully be better... at work at least. But at least I'm still good looking.... right? No. Dang it.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Some Things About Me

First Off: The Notebook is probably the greatest movie ever, hands down. Now that that is out of the way we can move on with some things. Here are some of my opinions: Iowa Rules, best state ever. Next: When the end of the world comes it is not going to matter how much food you have saved up. All you need is a stockpile of cigarettes, booze, guns, and ammo. The guns and ammo are for defense of your booze and cigarettes. You won't need food because everyone is going to want to trade you for your booze and cigarettes. Don't go cheap on the cigarettes though, have some respect for the dedicated smokers and they will respect for you. Next: I think military service should be a requirement for all men and women at the age of 18. They should be made to serve two years with the option to stay in, get to choose their duty station, or get out and enjoy the rest of their lives with the great experience they receive. Next: I believe that your family is always going to be your family. No matter how much you make them angry they will always be there for you. It is easier to be friends with them than it is to be their enemy. You should be willing to do anything for them and they should be willing to do anything for you. Next: All politicians are corrupt. They should be elected by the people for the people, but when they are elected they are for themselves and the companies/people who paid for their campaigns. Next: Guns aren't bad, but the system that allows crazies to have guns needs to be re-evaluated. I don't mind the NRA, but they think everyone needs a gun even those who have crazy juices in their brain (not a good idea). Thought of the Day: Guns Kill People Like Spoons Made Rosie O'Donnell Fat.

Let's Do This Chicken

Welcome to the blog that will blow your pants off (read at your own risk) I started this blog to express my opinions and feelings and all those other things I want to do online. I hope you have an enjoyable time and I will update this mother whenever I get the opportunity. But for now this is it. Have a great day.